Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Where happy vassals chant their song,
In fields and homes and boats, Where mocking- birds the chords prolong,
Swelling their mottled throats,
Where law's broad aegis still upholds
Enlightened freedom's claim.
Where in the Southern zenith glows
The warmth the sun imparts, Afar from frigid Northern snows,
And bustling Northern Marts, Where generous impulse still controls,
And scorns polluting stain,
Let Southern hearts and Southern souls,
Repeat th' exulting strain.
And still from age to age repeat
The tale of battles won, When bigot Northmen found defeat
Before each Southern son. Proudly recount the muster rolls
Of living braves and slain,
Let Southern hearts and Southern souls
Repeat th' exulting strain.
Where Chesapeake's broad waters glow
Round Maryland's green lands, To where the gulf and ocean bow
By Florida's white sands; From where the mad Atlantic rolls
To Rio Grande's plain,
Let Southern hearts and Southern souls
Repeat th' exulting strain.